Knitting techniques that can help you to knit. You can learn knitting techniques by examining diagrams and narrations. We shared the most used techniques. It is possible to use these techniques in many knitting designs. It is very useful technical informations for beginner level.
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How to make Garter Stitch
1. The direction of our yarn for garter stitch will always be towards us. We’re needle pass from the middle of the stitch towards ourselves, wrap our yarn towards ourselves
2. We pull the yarn and up to stitch on the needle.

Shot from wrong side (Point A) of the knit to the right side. Shot to wrong side of the knit inserting in Point B. Shift again to the right side of the knit from point C. In this way, continue working from point A. It is used for assembly and omamentaticn.

Instructions for Buttonhole
Wrap the yam around the needle as seen. Insert into the point A and while moving to the point B, pass the yarn under the needle tip. Repeat the steps immediately next to the point A. It is applied around the pan where it will be opened buttonhole, an the edges of the blankets, and for embroideries intending to prevent dropping stitches.
Needle Chain Work
Follow the any line on the knitting work, and work embroiders from the bottom and top of the knitting work as seen on the figure. ft is used for the seams and embroideries on the knitting work.

Instructions for Zigzag (Overcast Stitch)
Insert in Point A. Move to point B. Continue embroidering from point C as seen on the figure. Make the side seams {in different Colas and finish off ornamentation. It is used for embroiders on the right side of the knit.
Start from point A. While moving to point C from wrong side of the knitting work (point 13), pass the yarn under the needle tip and pull the needle. Insert in point D and move the right side of the knitting work to repeat the steps.

Embroidering jacquard with needle
As seen on the figure; follow the bop orders and work the jacquards according to the needle’s directions for entrance into and exit from the loop on the knitting work. It is used to embroider pattem on the knitting work.

Determination of periphery
Firstty draw the boundary to be worked on or determine it with a stitch. Embroider on the periphery as seen on the figure.

Stem Embroidery
Bring the yarn out at A to the upper part. Insert the needs at B and brig it out at C, midway between A and B. Insert the needle at the next stitch and bring it out at C. Continue working in this way. This stitch is used for flower stems.

Giraffe (French Knot)
Pass the needle from point A to point B. Wrap the yam of the needle on the knitting work around the needle twice. Pull the needle through the wraps, and tie a knot. It is used on the edges and the part which is not wanted to be unraveled.

Start from point A. While working points B and C, pass the yarn under the needle tip and stick out at point A. Repeating these steps, make daisy.

Bud Embroidery
Bring the yam on the right side of the knit. Move from the point B immediately next to the same point to the point B. Wrap the yarn inside the eye of the needle as many as you want and pull the yarn through the wraps. Knot the resulting bud pulling the yam on the knit downward and create the bud. Move to the wrong side of the knit from the bottom of the bud with a needle and get 1 bud.

Canvas Embroidery
Each loop on the knitting work is firstly embroidered crosswise to one side as seen on the figure. Make X symbol on the crosses embroidered and finish oft the operation. It is used for the boundaries on the knitting work and jacquard applications.

Satin Stitch
Firstly determine the ground on which the satin stitch wit be worked. Embroider as seen on the figure.
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Please explain Cast off 2+2+1
This direction and others like it are not clear to me in the boys pullover knitted sweater pattern.