Short sleeve sweaters… Stylish, handy and a great outfit complement. We’re here with a great short-sleeved sweater pattern. We wanted to share this pattern published in Nako Magazine with you. Because this mold has a truly amazing design and charming colors.
Easy does it. What’s to think about this awesome sweater alternative? Stitched sideways in two panels and seamed up the center, Short Sleeves is fast and fun to knit and truly flatters every figure. Knit in Extra, this colorful and stylish sweater will be your new absolute favorite. Designed by Nako.
Used Material: Nako Yarn No: 300, 1535, 991, 207, 4737 (1 b. each)
Needle No: 4
Hook No: 35
Knitting Technique: Knit, purl, 1+1 rib, 2-row moss stitch, cable pattern, single crochet
How to knit short sleeve sweater

Row 1; * knit 1, yarn-over 1, and repeat after asterisks to complete the row.
Row 2; take off the yam-over stitches from needle, extend the stitches on needle and work as purl stitch.
How to knit back piece
1- Cast on 98 stitches w/ yam no. 4737 and work 2 cm of 1+1 rib. Set the stitches
as; purl 27, knit 6, purl 32, knit 6, purl 27.
2- Apply the diagram onto the knit-6 stitches
3- Work 27 stitches each at both ends as; 8 rows of purl and 2 rows of knit stitch along knit length. While working 27 stitches in the middle as purl along knit length, increase 18 x I stitches at both ends at every 8 rows. To obtain 68 stitches in total.
4- When body length is 8 cm, work 5 cm 3using the yarn nos. 4737 and 207 together.
5- Work 55 cm w/ the yam no. 207 and 18 cm w/ no. 931.
6- Switch to the yam no. 1535 and work 2.5 cm; starting from the next row, increase 2 stitches at both ends for armholes.
7- When knit length is 11 cm after armholes, continue working w/ the
yarn no. 300 by applying the pattern on the knit rows.
8- When body length is 57 cm, center the stitches for neck opening and cast off 46 stitches in the middle. and on the next row, finish by casting off the stitches remained on shoulders.
How to knit front piece of short sleeve sweater
1- Repeat the steps 1 to 7 of the back piece.
2- When body length is 40 cm, center the stitches and start working 2-stitch moss stitch
with the stitch in the middle. 3- Start working moss stitch with 1 stitch at both sides of the moss stitch worked on every front row. For 9 cm, work the stitches as moss stitch by extending to two
4- When body length is 49 cm, center the stitches for neck opening and bind off 20 stitches
in the middle at once, and continue working in two pieces.
5- Decrease 3+3+2+1+1+1+1+1 stitches on every front row at the neck side.
6- When body length is 57 cm, finish by binding off the stitches on shoulders. SLEEVES: Pick up 88 stitches from armhole w/ the yarn no. 300.
Finish after working 10 cm of knit stitch.

Can anyone translate the Short Sleeve Seater pattern into clearer instructions?
TO Myra: I too am having difficulty translating pattern and have sent a second email to them. I was wondering if you ever received a reply to your comment and, if so, did they send you an easier explanation of the instructions. If they did, where did they send you? I am anxious to start knitting this sweater as it is one of the prettiest I have seen in a long time.
I have the pattern for Jessica Los women’s short sleeve sweater, I have also bought the yarn and have received same, I have a question regarding instruction 5 on the “How to knit front piece of short sleeve sweater.” It reads Decrease 3+3+2+1+1+1+1+1 stitches on every front row at neck side. Please explain how this instruction is done.
I previously sent an email asking for the english version of what Row 5 was when working on the front piece and have never heard back. I have received the yarn and reviewed the pattern again and would really appreciate a clearer and easier reading of your instructions. Also your chart does not give a legend/key. Please help so I may begin knitting this beautiful sweater. Thank you
I believe the chart is for the 6 st cable. You twist it on the 3×3 rows and knit others.
I also think row 5 is when you dec each side of neck after the first 20 st dec, for 8 rows, probably on alternate rows. Think about other patterns you have done.
Thank you Diane for your reply to my inquiry as to the chart for the 6 st cable as well as your reply to Row 5. I do not get on the computer often (hardly at all) and just saw your response to my inquiries. NOw that I have read the instructions for the 100th time, am I understanding that there are a total of 8 decreases on each side of the neck edge when knitting the right side row? In other words, I would dec 3 sts on each neck edge the first row and dec another 3 sts on each neck edge on the next right side row, then 2 sts then 1 st on each side 5 times?
The diagram has no pattern on it.
As a person who is trying to learn knitting garments, this a VERY confusing pattern. Some of the help above is useful, but I still am not sure about the initial moss stitch instruction about yo and then dropping that…why not just K1P1 and then on the next row do the opposite? Maybe there is a reason I don’t understand but I love the look of this sweater (though needs lengthened for for the longer body I have–22″ is like a mid drift shirt on me, 30 is more like it I think.